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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Week Ten - Newsletters

For my business, recipes would be a good subject matter to use.  They could be holiday or season specific to inspire people to try something new.  For example, pumpkin in the fall, berries in the summer, etc.

Newsletters would be sent 4-5 times per year so as to not overwhelm the customer, but still keep us relevant.

Content Ideas:
Celiac Awareness Month
Winter Holiday Desserts
Summer Desserts
Valentine's Day Chocolate
Spring Desserts

These topics would be of interest to my customers because they're based on desserts and gluten free, both of which my customers want.


  1. By just reading your list that you are going to include in your newsletter makes me crave desserts. I think you nailed it! Great job!

  2. Hi Marilyn,

    Glad to see you're still in the game. Seems like many have dropped.

    Content certainly isn't going to be an issue for you! I think you'll have fun with a newsletter. Considerably more boring for a bookkeeper! : )

  3. I like your ideas Marilyn, but I could use the recipes more often than quarterly. A newsletter that is published too often becomes annoying to me, but I need reminders that you are still in business more than every three months.

  4. Don't forget to promote your business! You might include new or seasonal offerings, discounts or promotions, and places you'll be in the community (like a street fair or something of that nature).

  5. Your newsletter would be very informative. The one issue I think you would have to rethink would be the frequency when the newsletter comes out. I agree with some of our classmates that having it too spaced out would possibly make your audience loose interest or wanting more information a little bit more frequently especially when sharing recipes and knowing what type of foods are "in season" that would help bakers and homemakers surprise their families.

  6. I agree with Don, and Miguel I think maybe a once a month newsletter with recipes and a seasonal newsletter would be a great idea. Once a quarter, people would perhaps forget they subscribed and would loose interest.
    Great ideas and post!
