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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Week Five: Facebook's Post Reach vs. Post Engagement

In regards to Facebook Insights, Post Reach measures the number of people your post reached.

Post Engagement refers to how much activity resulted because of your posts with regards to views, clicks, comments, likes and shares.

Both of these insights are important to a business.  While you are trying to grow your follower base, the reach amount is important to track how many people your posts are touching.  For engagement, building relationships with your followers increases their loyalty and makes them feel as though they have a personal stake in the growth of your company.

Businesses can use both of these insights to get information on not only how many people are being made aware of your company, but also how engaging your posts are and how much they encourage people to interact with you.  Depending on the stage of growth that your company is in currently will dictate which of these insights will weigh more heavily in your social media campaign.

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