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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Week Six - Future Posts

The photo above shows the (3) posts that I have scheduled to be released on Friday.  I highlighted a store that carries our product on one post.  On the second post I listed a funny video about that store that I found on YouTube and on the third video I featured an original recipe from our company for people to try out over the weekend.  I think these posts will engage my audience because the store being featured is a familiar and iconic store.  The recipe has a visual that will catch the eye and the short list of ingredients will encourage people to give the recipe a try.

1 comment:

  1. This is so GREAT…you had a passion, encountered a "roadblock" and turned it around….WOW!!!! I have a friend who is gluten free….I will draw this attention to your products. I also love the photography and today's post looks TERRIFIC!!!!
